Recommended polyamory accounts on Instagram/TikTok (January 2023)

Here are some recommended polyamory accounts on Instagram/TikTok:

My favorites

Poly Philia (Leanne Yau), polyamory videos:

Chill Polyamory (Morgan), polyamory peer support:

Dana and the Wolf also known as "The Poly Couple", they have a fun web series:

Remodeled Love, polyamory and body positivity:

Anxious Hearts Guide (Rikki Cloos), for those with an anxious attachment style:

In Spanish

Open Mandarina (Lidia), cartoons and meet-ups:

Historias de Poliamor, podcast with testimonials:

Gotitas de Poliamor (Jaime Gama), memes and educational videos:

More accounts

Annie Undone, queer relationship anarchist:

The Secure Relationship (Julie Menanno), attachment styles and polyamory:

Bonobo Relationships, relationship coach:

Polyamfam, videos:

Polyam Proud, organized the polyam flag voting: