
Lessig on the role of governments on the Internet (e-G8, 2011)

"The job of the incumbent is not the same as your job, the job of
the policy maker. Their job is to make profit for them. Your job is the
public good".

Talk with subtitles in Spanish // Charla con subtítulos en castellano »

Lawrence Lessig: "Citizens"

Lessig explains corruption in 10 minutes.

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." — Thoreau

Signs at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear

You have to see this video full of witty, funny, signs at the rally. I loved this "[citation needed]" one!

There is also a page with the top 100 best signs :-) One of my favorites is the first one, and old man holding a sign that reads:

I fought nazis and they don't look like Obama.

And this one below:



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