
The Vatican receives Louis Vuitton's Jesus

The catholic community has seen the arrival this morning to the Vatican of a truck transporting the new Christ of Louis Vuitton.

The idea of the Vatican is to "update the image of Jesus, showing him on the cross wearing more dignifying, ellaborate clothes", as it was reported by the institution in a brief statement.

Continues (in Spanish): El Mundo Today: Jesucristo de Louis Vuitton »

"Militant Atheists"

"My question is not why I being labeled as a "militant atheist". My question is why there are not more of us!" -- by FFreeThinker

The tyranny of scripture

Source: Pat Condell.

Scripture is not reality. I'm sorry to be the one to break the bad news. It's just scripture, I'm afraid. What's been divinely revealed hasn't been revealed at all. It's been imagined. And if it's all you've got to support your particular version of reality and the god who supposedly created it, then I would suggest that your god is in fact a false god, and every time you proclaim him you merely proclaim yourself deceived,


Creation museums are the latest symptom of Christi-insanity to hit the United States, and they are, of course, inspired one hundred percent by scripture. At the moment they seem to be popping up like mushrooms, in a spontaneous eruption of life, ironically enough, all over the land of the free, and beyond now.

These are places of education where Christian children can go to learn the truth, that their parents are morons and quite possibly insane.

It is now forbidden (by Alfredo Cuervo)

It is forbiden to cry without learning,
to wake up one day not knowing what to do,
to be afraid of your memories.

It is forbiden not to smile at problems,
not to fight for what you want,
to abandon everything because of the fear,
not to transform your deams into reality.

It is forbiden not to show your love,
to make someone pay for your debts and the bad humor.

It is forbiden to leave your friends,
not to try to understand what you lived together,
to call them only when you need them.

It is forbiden not to be yourself in public,
to feign with people you don't care about,
to fake being funny just to make them remember you,
to forget all the people who love you.

It is forbiden not to make things by yourself,
not to believe in God and forge your fate,
to be afraid of life and its engagements,
not to live each day like it was a last sigh.

It is forbiden to miss someone without
cheering, to forget his eyes, his smile,
just because your paths stopped being embraced,
to forget his past and paying it with his present.

It is forbiden not to try to understand people,
to think that their lifes are more valuable than yours,
not to know that each one has his way and his happiness.

It is forbiden not to create your history,
not to have a moment for the people who need you,
not to understand that whatever life gives to you, it takes it away as well.

It is forbiden not to search for your happiness,
not to live your life with a positive attitude,
not to think that we can be better,
not to feel that, without you, this world wouldn't be the same.

Poem: Alfredo Cuervo. Image: Book Fair

Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else

America's Best Christian takes time to explain to less informed Christians the curious details of the Lord's concept of marriage:

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